Take in all the Hollywood action at CineScope restaurant.
Named after the widescreen films used in the prime of Hollywood (VistaVision cameras), CineScope offers a Californian-fresh feel with a light, airy and bright atmosphere. As our all-day dining restaurant, CineScope serves up an international mix of multi-ethnic cuisine as eclectic as the L.A scene itself. Whether you are looking for an enticing breakfast buffet, an intimate dinner with the family or a cheeky wine at the bar, this restaurant attends to your desires faster than you can say ‘action’.
Outlet Operational Hours:
Breakfast: 7.00 - 10.30 Buffet 125 AED
Lunch: 12.30 - 15.30
Business Lunch Monday - Friday | Lavish buffet with tempting starters and desserts. Beverage included | AED 99
*Subject to availability